This short film is an experimental documentary recently created by an all-female / -queer crew. The film combines the strength of human experiences with the intensity of staged moments. It’s intended to be empowering for nonconformist, queer people who blow up restricting body images.


You can watch our film here ––– RIOT NOT DIET


A golden summer dress in XXL, the ice lolly drips slowly onto the hot ground. RIOT NOT DIET creates a queer feminist utopia far away from BMI norms and male* gaze.

Five thousand years of patriarchy have left their mark – for in spite of ongoing emancipation, female* bodies are still geared to conform and to float through the world with a quiet, graceful and space-saving appearance. However, in this film we encounter fat women* and queers who resist. With their expansive body dimensions they break the chains of outdated gender structures and claim space for themselves.
The pleasure of their own, overflowing corporeality is an alternative draft to the neoliberal logic of exploitation. In times of self-optimization, your belly is a statement! Queer fat feminism!

Crew & Cast

directed by Julia Fuhr Mann  cinematography Julia Swoboda  sound design Cornelia Böhm  producer Andreas Günther editing Andi Pek  music Zdrada Pałki  tattoo artist Ina Bär  sfx makeup Manuela Rosa Maderthaner  title animation Mathias Schuckert


with Sara Ablinger, Magda Albrecht, Brandy Butler, Christine Fiedler, Kristina Kuličová, Marzen Lizurej, Veronika Merklein, Zdrada Pałki, Flora Schanda, Julischka Stengele, JJ Thunderkhat, Hengameh Yaghoobifarah


© WildBird Film / University of Television and Film Munich / 2018




For news and upcoming screenings follow us on –––

You can watch our film here ––– RIOT NOT DIET



2018, DOK.fest München – Official Selection Student Award

2018, XPOSED Film Festival Berlin – Winner „Best German Short Film“

2018, Edinburgh International Film Festival – Official Selection Shorts

2018, Pride House Glasgow – Official Selection

2018, GRRL Haus Cinema – Official Selection

2018, China Women’s Film Festival – Official Selection

2018, LSF Hamburg, International Queer Film Festival – Official Selection

2018, Morelia International Film Festival – Sexual Diversity Program

2018, Kulturetage Oldenburg – Film Screening

2018, Bimovie München – Official Selection

2018, Pink Panorama Luzern – Official Selection

2018, Mezipatra, Queer Film Festival Prague – Official Selection

2018, Fringe! London – Official Selection

2018, Queer Film Festival Luxemburg – Official Selection

2018, Furora Film Festival Berlin – Official Selection

2019, Kuir Fest Ankara & Istanbul – Official Selection

2019, FIPADOC Biarritz – New Talents

2019, Elles Tournent Brüssel – Official Selection

2019, Rature Festival Genf – Official Selection

2019, Corvallis Queer Film Festival Oregon – Official Selection

2019, Berlin Feminist Film Week – Official Selection

2019, Internationale Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg – Official Selection

2019, Lady Fest Brüssel – Film Screening

2019, 20min|max International Short Film Festival – Official Selection

2019, Printemps Lesbien de Toulouse – Official Selection

2019, Kinothek Asta Nielsen & Fetter Widerstand Frankfurt – Film Screening

2019, Athens International Film and Video Festival Ohio – Official Selection

2019, Kyiv International Short Film Festival – Official Selection

2019, Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival – Official Selection

2019, Dyke Drama Film Festival Australia – Official Selection

2019, Open Ohr Festival Mainz – Film Screening

2019, Strangelove Festival Antwerpen – Film Screening

2019, Festival CinéPride Nantes – Official Selection

2019, MicroActs London – Film Screening

2019, Kunstareal-Fest München – Film Screening

2019, Guanajuato International Film Festival Mexico – Official Selection

2019, A Wall Is A Screen, Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg – Film Screening

2019, MICGénero Mexico – Official Selection

2019, Lakeside Film Festival – Film Screening

2019, Kreives, Vilnius Queer Festival – Official Selection

2019, Haus der Kulturen der Welt – Exhibition »Körper lesen!«

2019, Helsinki International Film Festival – Official Selection

2019, Some Prefer Cake Bologna Lesbian Film Festival – Official Selection

2019, Center for Contemporary Arts Celje – Exhibition »Politics of Resistance«

2019, Tirana International Film Festival – Official Selection

2019, FIWOM Film Festival for Women’s Rights Seoul – Official Selection

2019, Barcelona International Short Film and Video Festival – Official Selection

2019, Florence Queer Festival – Official Selection

2019, shnit Worldwide Shortfilmfestival – Official Selection

2019, Pornfilmfestival Berlin – Official Selection

2019, Cineffable Paris – Official Selection

2019, Guelph Film Festival – Official Selection

2019, Aesthetica Short Film Festival – Official Selection

2019, Pink Screens Film Festival Brüssel – Official Selection

2019, Mix Brasil – Official Selection

2019, Queertactics Frauenfilmtage Wien – Official Selection

2019, Blicke – Filmfestival des Ruhrgebiets – gender & queer-Preis

2019, Dialogues, Calcutta International Film Festival – Official Selection

2019, Vierte Welle Festival Berlin – Official Selection

2019, Les Rencontres Audiovisuelles – Film Screening

2020, Queere Filmwoche Leipzig – Official Selection



julia fuhr mann –– queer feminist film maker –– short film RIOT NOT DIET - laurels
